Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nubs on a spiky plant!

Joanna is an excellent gardener. She likes succulents and unusual plants, like I do. If it looks alien weird, I like it. She recently repotted this plant, and it is happy. So happy that it has made tiny nubs around its base. New arms coming soon! Yay happy plant nubs!

Josh is such a talented artist. Here he is drawing Jim the gnome. I asked him how to get better at drawing. He said to basically keep drawing and experiment with different techniques. Once you get good at something, try to push yourself to the next level. He feels he does well when he is most relaxed and just flows. That makes sense, just keep practising till a technique becomes such a part of you, that it feels like you are not trying, but the art just flows out of your hand. Of course, Josh has been doing this a long time and he is just amazing. Amazing.
He made a nice picture of Jim and a plant pot but he has since covered it in a few layers of paint. he likes to paint right from the tube. It looks a little like finger painting. It was his birthday this past week. Happy Birthday Joshie!

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